Walt Disney World Weekly Scoop

Inspiration from an Amazing Imagineer


Traveling past the Mad Tea Party at The Magic Kingdom the other day, I came upon this quotation I had never seen before. Nestled in the topiary it reads:
“Be good at something.
It makes you valuable.
Have something to bring to the table.
Because that will make you more welcome.”
–Randy Pausch
If the name sounds familiar, Randy was a Disney Imagineer who fought and loss a courageous battle to pancreatic cancer in 2008. During this ordeal, he gave at Carnegie Mellon an upbeat and inspirational set of remarks known “The Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood” Dreams.” This lecture became popular on YouTube and throughout the internet. He also co-authored the book offering the same theme, which became a New York Times best-seller.
In recognition of Randy The Magic Kingdom has placed this quote from his talk within the topiary gardens of The Mad Tea Party. It is a lesson to all of us to find our strengths, and to bring something unique and wonderful about ourselves to the table of life.
It’s a relevant message in mad, recessionary times.


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