Sea World Orlando offered guests and animal lovers a unique opportunity to follow along live via their Twitter account as their Animal Care Specialists returned a manatee named Mossback and her calf back to the wild. Their destination was Blue Springs State Park, and students from Fern Creek Elementary School were on-site to learn valuable conservation lessons. Keep reading for more details and photos!
According to the live Tweets, Sea World rescued the pair in 2008 from Lake Woodruff because both of Mossback’s pectoral flippers were severely entangled in fishing line. This is the 2nd time Sea World has come to her aid. As a young calf Mossback was rescued because her mother was entangled in fishing line.
Once the students arrived, a Sea World educator led them through educational activites related to manatees and conservation. Sea World and Fern Creek Elementary School have been partners in education for 10 years!
Once Mossback and her calf Ava arrived, Sea World veterinarian Dr. Scott Gearhart performed a medical check to make sure everything was good to go for the release. Pictured above, the Animal Care Specialists used a heavy duty sling to carry the manatees to the water.
Mossback and Ava were successfully transported and placed into the water, aming them the 13th and 14th manatees to be returned to their habitat this year by Sea World. As you can read about in our previous blogs, Sea World came to the aid of numerous cold-stressed manatees during our unusually cold winter season.
Here at The Official Ticket Center, we’d like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Sea World Family and Parks for their amazing conservation efforts. We truly appreciate everything you do!
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