Orlando Dinner Shows Florida ~ Many folks who come to Orlando Florida for their vacations often leave out a great alternative to spending just about as much money on a sit down dinner at a Fridays or Olive Garden instead of going to something that is not on every corner back at home. I am speaking of the world famous Orlando dinner shows located throughout the tourist area here in central Florida. We have quite a few starting with my personal favorite, Arabian Nights Dinner Show, followed by Pirates Dinner Adventure, Sea World Makahiki Luau, Treasure Tavern, Sleuths Mystery Dinner Show, Medieval Times and the Outta Control Magic Dinner show located inside Wonder Works. Word is that we just might get a New one soon, but that will be another post into itself! I always remind people when they call our office to place an order that they are going to need to eat while they are down here, so why not go and see a dinner show? The kids love them as do adults. There is defiantly one to fit all in a family and maybe one just for adults like Treasure Tavern. The discount Orlando dinner show tickets range from $24 all the way up to $46 and yes, this includes everything except the tip at the end of the night. Some dinner shows charge you for beverages like Treasure Tavern while others offer their beverages free, so make sure to ask one of our helpful representatives’. Remember that after a day at the Orlando theme parks, you are going to be very hungry and some restaurants have over a hour wait sometimes and that is NOT what you want when you are starving, so try something new and different on your Orlando vacation. If you need to purchase discount dinner show tickets, please call our office toll free at 1-877-406-4836 or visit us on the web at www.officialticketcenter.com
Patrick Pulliam Copyright © 2011