Disney World’s Extra Magic Hours – A Unique Advantage One Should Not Miss

Disney World Tickets

This special perk is offered to Guests of select Walt Disney World Resort hotels.

Often considered as one of the biggest advantages of staying at a Disney Resort hotel, the special EMH (Extra Magic Hours) option brings along a unique opportunity to enjoy the favorite WDW (Walt Disney World) parks in Orlando, Florida. Whether it’s the Magic Kingdom or Epcot, the Hollywood Studios or Animal Kingdom, the excitement of exploring the parks during those special hours of the morning or late in the evening is a different experience altogether. For guests staying at any of the WDW Resort hotel and those staying at the Swan, Dolphin, Shades of Green, and Downtown Disney Hilton, EMH offers the advantage of avoiding crowds, ride queues and wait times like never before. Truly, the prospect of enjoying a specific park one hour prior to the usual opening time or being able to stay late into the evening and have fun for another couple of hours even after the park is officially closed for the day is just awesome.

Given the special opportunities it is no surprise that the EMH option is a unique gift in the offing. But to get the best out of this popular vacation option is a bit tricky for many. It often requires a good understanding and careful planning to make the EMH really beneficial for you and your family during the trip. One should be aware that there are two types of EMH in offer – Morning EMH and the Evening EMH. The Morning EMH allows you to enter the participating Park one hour before it opens for regular visitors, the Evening EMH allows you to stay back late and enjoy amidst a much lesser crowd as others (those staying outside the Resort) left the Park already.

Again to make the EMH work in your favor, it is very important to consider you family first. Such as if your family is more comfortable getting up earlier during the trip then the Morning EMH may best suites your vacation plans or if you are among those who don’t want to miss their early morning sleeps while in vacation, and love to enjoy staying up late night in the parks, perhaps the Evening EMH make a great option.

Moreover, it is also important to note that sometimes EMH may make no real difference to you. Since the number of active attractions in the park during the special hours is limited to a selected few, there is often the fear of facing huge gatherings during busier seasons on selected parks. But whether there is a gathering or not, the special hours will always enjoy a comparatively much quieter ambience than during those regular park hours. If you are a Resort hotel guest I think it is one of the most unique advantage you should not miss.

For discounts on Disney World admissions and passes to exclusive Orlando attractions and events, including discount Sea World Orlando tickets, Universal Studios tickets and other special Orlando packages you can consult authorized ticket Re-Seller – The Official Ticket Center

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